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Who IS God

We will NEVER be able to answer THIS question fully, because we are living in an enclosed space. THIS space; a dotted space, is limited to OUR reality as fallen spiritual beings, who are RESTRICTED to a material body. We are SO limited that we can ONLY move FORWARD in time to a cut-off point in time. God on the other hand can move backward in time to an INDEFINITE point AND He can move FORWARD in time to an INDEFINITE point. THIS is WHY He is called omnipresent. In 1 Corinthians 13:12 the Apostle Paul makes a statement, and I quote: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”

In John 4:24 the Apostle John makes THIS statement: ”God is a SPIRIT and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth.” As long as we try to reason and encounter God out of a fallen human point of view, we will NEVER FULLY know WHO He is. OUR fallen human point of view and perception of WHO God is, is restricted to an ENCLOSED space of reality. In fact the space is SO small that we can refer to it as “an insignificant DOTTED space.” In this VERY space the brilliant and genius scientist Albert Einstein once lived as well. In comparison to HIS mental capabilities the products of OUR minds are like pale images against a dark background. Yet he was living in the SAME dotted space WE live in and for THIS reason HIS thoughts were irrelevant AND insignificant to THAT of God. Einstein died WITHOUT solving the puzzle of WHO God is, BECAUSE he tried to find the answer out of a fallen human point of view….science; a product of the insignificant dotted space of the fallen man.

To understand PARTIALLY WHO God is, we need to answer the question of who He is NOT. For THIS purpose we need to refer to the Holy Word of God….the Tanakh. “God is NOT part of His creation but ABOVE it. He does not THINK like us, FEEL like us, SEE like us, and PERCEIVE like us OR UNDERSTAND like us.” HIS reality is NOT restricted to OUR dotted space, BUT is INFINITELY greater than the ALMOST endless space AROUND our dotted space….deep space. GOD’S space is from eternity to eternity…from age to age. Because He is a SPIRIT and NOT restricted to OUR space and reality, He is NOT subject to death OR birth like us mortal human beings. He is the ETERNAL God….from EVER LASTING to EVERLASTING.

In conclusion, let us answer the question on WHO God is. When the prophet Moses asked God on Mount Sinai WHO He was, God answered: “ehyeh asher ehyeh….I AM that I AM.” (Exodus 3:14) THIS implies that God can be WHOEVER HE chooses to be. He is the FIRST and the LAST, the BEGINNING and the END, NOTHING that is came into existence WITHOUT Him. He is the ONE true God in THREE persons and THREE persons in the ONE true God. The Apostle Paul made THIS statement in the FIRST century: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

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